There are moments in life when solidarity and support are extremely important. The support of friends helps you find the strength to live on, and to live happily and in full confidence that you have someone to turn to for help in a difficult moment. The events that will be discussed further took place in 2018 in the US state of Indiana. During the performance of his duties, 45-year-old officer Rob Pitts, who served in the police for 16 years, died. On Friday evening, Officer Pitts and his team approached a huge residential complex, in one of the houses of which a man suspected of murder had barricaded himself.

The suspect, 21-year-old Christopher Wolf, was armed and posed a danger to others. For 3 hours, police officers held a siege, and then Wolfe, hiding in an apartment on the second floor, opened fire on the police and hit Pitts. The confrontation ended with the fact that a group of special forces broke into the apartment where the suspect was hiding. During the shootout, he was killed. And the wounded Rob Pitts was immediately taken to the regional hospital in the city of Terre Haute. Unfortunately, the officer died a few hours later, leaving two children orphaned: a 12-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son, Dakota. But life went on.

A week later, Dakota, who was very painfully suffering the loss of his father, who was also his best friend, had to go to elementary school. The greatest gesture of solidarity with this little boy was shown by 70 policemen who accompanied him to classes. On that day, Dakota put on his father’s badge, and the officers gave him a special forces uniform shirt. The father’s colleagues did not just take the child to school and gave him gifts, they also said that they would always support him and “become his back.” Dakota will remember this day full of touching emotions forever. Just as he will always remember that his father was a hero. Hot Ryan Adamson, the official representative of the police of the city of Terre, spoke on this day with the following words:

“When Dakota asked his mom if any of his dad’s friends could take him to school, she contacted Rob’s friends. And these people did not remain indifferent, they responded to the boy’s request. Now Rob is greatly missed not only by his family, but also by his colleagues. Both his colleagues and his family are grateful for the time they spent together with this courageous man. But the family is not always blood relatives, I think that in this case the family went beyond the usual framework. We’re all Rob’s family too.” And one of Rob Pitts’ colleagues, Indiana State Police Sergeant Joe Watts, said: “Rob was a very good man and a good officer. There are no words to describe the pain we are all going through because of his passing. And we feel the pain that his family is going through.

But when a person becomes a policeman, he must be prepared for the fact that he may lose his life. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to Rob: he gave his life helping his comrades apprehend the criminal.” Well, I really want to believe that the touching act of solidarity shown by police officers towards little Dakota will help to reduce his pain after the loss of his father. Thanks to this support, the boy will understand that in any difficult life moments he has someone to turn to for help. That’s all friends! Share this amazing story, write comments and put likes. See you soon!