One of the happiest times in our lives is when we are preparing for the birth of a child. It’s a time that is supposed to be joyful, but there are also times when that joy turns to fear.

A woman by the name of Jenny Wilklow was certainly looking forward to the arrival of her daughter. She and her husband were thrilled with the thought of holding the newborn baby in her arms and giving her a great life.

They were also happy to know that the ultrasounds showed them a healthy baby and they knew that when Anna was born, it would be all smiles. Little did they know that little Anna would have a condition that changed their lives.

After the birth, Jenny’s husband walked into the room and everyone was silent. He just stood and stared at Little Anna, which worried Jenny because he was so silent.

She said that the doctors and nurses were visibly shaken and her husband sat silently in the room. It was then that they were given a startling prognosis.

A skin condition known as harlequin ichthyosis had caused their little girl to develop diamond-shaped plates of thick skin that were divided by huge cracks. The medical school team was looking to help the baby, and within seconds, her skin had hardened.

The mother said that her reaction was complete shock because she thought she was having a perfectly healthy baby girl. She went on to say that it was the kind of moment that stays with you forever and reminds you of the preciousness of life.

After the skin hardened, it split open to leave wounds all over her little body. They weren’t even sure if Anna would survive, but she was able to deal with it and is now doing well.

Harlequin ichthyosis is a difficult condition, requiring frequent moisturising of the skin. Her parents are sure that she gets a two-hour bath several times a day to keep her skin from cracking.

Her skin also has to be treated every few hours with a healing cream and she gets skin treatments. Occupational and physical therapy are a regular part of her life.

In order to satisfy the needs of the little girl, she has to eat about 2100 calories per day. As long as she sticks to the special dietary regimen, she is a relatively healthy girl, despite her skin condition.

Anna was able to endure and she has captured the hearts of many because she is the ‘epitome of perfection in his purest form.’

Her mother went on to say that she found strength doing everyday things, and she loved being with her little girl. Anna still continues to do well with the help of her parents, and she is turning six in September.

We wish for many more years of happiness.