Not long after Taryn Troutman and her husband adopted Coconut as a kitten, the thoughtful cat began an adorable routine.
Without prompting, Coconut will find some random object lying around the house and carry it to Troutman in her mouth. The little presents Coconut brings always vary, but they all seem to serve the same purpose — to show her mom just how much she cares.
Some of Coconut’s “gifts” are more desirable than others. But for Troutman, who knows it’s the thought that matters, the gifts are always welcome.
Here she is again:
Yes, even when Coconut presents her mom with bits from her litter box, it’s taken as a show of affection. Troutman wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I, for sure, think her bringing gifts is a sign of love,” she said. “Coconut is a very sweet and playful cat — we love her!”