Before talking about Stallone’s mom, I want you to read 30 rules for being a good mother

We establish a strong psychological bond with our child

Every woman wants to be a good housewife, a good wife, and most importantly, a good mother. However, in the daily hustle and bustle, we forget about the simple phenomena that make a woman a Mother. We forget to tell the child that we love him, and we forget to hug him. After all, the expensive teachers, private schools and valuable material things that we often worry about are not what will strengthen the bond between us and the child. It is often necessary to break away from that heavy teaching image and be with the child directly as a loving and caring mother.

I will present 30 daily rules of being a Good Mother.

  1. Tell the child often that you love him. these words are never superfluous.
  2. Show the child that hugging him is very important to you and can help you when you are in certain problems. Ask him to hug you in difficult moments.
  3. Having lunch with the child, be sure to ask how his day went. Let him list the positive moments of the day.
  4. It is very important to praise the child often in front of other people. Those moments are valuable for children.
  5. It is necessary to give compliments to the child, and at the same time teach him to compliment the other person.
  6. Hug and kiss him every chance you get.
  7. Teach the child to laugh. Even on himself. Laughter often helps overcome difficult obstacles.
  8. The child should be taught not to take himself too seriously because everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone is able to treat their mistakes with humor. And that is very important in life to be mature.
  9. Say “THANK YOU” to your child often. That’s how we teach him to be thankful.
  10. You have to be able to forgive everything. And it does not only apply to the child. It is necessary to explain to the child that anger destroys the person who is angry from the inside.
  11. Set aside a day to spend together.
  12. A child should never be forbidden to be original, even if his emotionality and opposition do not correspond to her moral values.
  13. The child’s morning should be accompanied by your smile and kiss, excluding haste and shouts that “we are late”.
  14. Everything that the child wants to tell should be treated as the most important conversation.
  15. The child must be asked what he thinks about the family. his opinion should also be important.
  16. You should not be afraid to entrust the most difficult work to the child. Even if they make a mistake, they will understand its value, which will definitely be needed in life.
  17. It is possible and necessary to ask the child for help.
  18. One should be able to accept one’s mistakes. This will teach the child to take his own mistakes lightly. He will understand that he is not alone in making mistakes.
  19. Every detail should be important: the name of the kindergarten friend and the toy.
  20. Come up with a pleasant nickname for the child, which will express tenderness and love.
  21. Often, instead of a fairy tale, tell the child a certain episode of your life story. All that will establish a strong bond between you and the child, as well as between the family.
  22. Turn on some music from time to time and dance together. Such moments are the most valuable.
  23. At some point, the child should be allowed to be naughty – to shed his own clothes or to be allowed to color himself with paints. You can collect and clean all that later, but the child’s joy is permanent.
  24. It is rare but necessary to allow breaking the rules. For example, watching TV late at night or missing a day from school. Let those unique opportunities turn into a holiday for the child.
  25. In case of a mistake, you should always apologize to the child.
  26. The child should be given the opportunity to make an independent choice.
  27. If you promised something to the child, definitely fulfill it. Otherwise, avoid promises.
  28. When the children sing, you should join them.
  29. It is very important not to forget to constantly remind the child that his father is the most caring and good father in the world.
  30. Every gift received by a child, his handiwork should be cherished and kept. It is of great importance for the latter.

About Sylvester Stallone’s mom and her unexpected confession

I’d be mighty surprised if anyone who reads this text doesn’t know who Sylvester Stallone is.

There are few Hollywood stars still working today that can claim to be as famous as Sly Stallone – he’s quite literally been an action movie icon for decades.

But have you ever heard of Sylvester’s mother, Jackie Stallone?

In fact, Sly’s mother has an incredibly fascinating life story of her own, and a lot about her dramatic time on this earth came to light after her tragic death in 2020.

A huge personality and a mother of show business, Jackie Stallone was known for many things. We’ll say here and now that most people will probably remember her for her many plastic surgery procedures.

Towards the end of her life, however, Jackie opened up regarding her surgeries, giving people quite the surprise with her honest answers …

Jackie Stallone was born Jacqueline Frances Labofish in Washington D.C. in November 1921. Her father John worked as a prominent attorney lawyer in the capital; her mother was of French descent, a Parisian socialite from Brittany.

Back in the 1950s, Jackie became the first woman to have a television show on exercise and weightlifting in Washington D.C.

Passionate about training and a long-time advocate for women’s fitness, she did a lot to challenge the norm. In the ’40s and ’50s, women lifting weights was still a relatively new concept – many men thought vacuuming the home was exercise enough.

In the late ’50s, when a nearby gym refused to let Jackie participate in a weight training program, she became angry – and immediately acted on her frustrations. That led to her opening a women-only gym, named Barbella’s, next door.

“Of course, the city tried to close me down every week because I had this big wooden statue of a woman saying ’Barbella’s’ – a woman with about a 56-inch bust – lifting weights, you know? That was my inducement… because for some reason o another, everyone was flatchested in Washington, D.C., in the ’50s,” Jackie told Sun Herald in 1988.

Jackie Stallone would accomplish much more in her life and long-lived career, but it is unclear how well-known she would be today without her iconic son, Sylvester Stallone.

It all began in 1945 when Jackie met hairdresser and part-time actor Frank Stallone Sr. One year later, she gave birth to Sylvester Stallone in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.

Sly’s birth was quite dramatic, something Jackie opened up about in an interview with Female First.

“During the delivery to speed things up, they grabbed these ice-picks [forceps] and yanked the baby out paralyzing his whole head and face and part of his body. His body was so deformed it was pathetic,” Jackie said.

The accident left Sly with a partially paralyzed face. It also affected his lip, tongue, and chin, giving Stallone his signature, mumbling speech.

“The doctors told me ‘He’s so crippled you ought to put him away.’ But I decided he was going to walk, he was going to talk,” Jackie said.

In September 2020, her son Frank announced that Jackie Stallone had passed away, two years shy of 100.

In a heart-wrenching post, Frank wrote: “It was hard not to like her, she was a very eccentric and flamboyant person.

”Her mind was as sharp as a razor till the day she died. She never wore a mask a true revolutionary gal. My brother Sylvester took care of her like a Queen for all of her life. I will never be able to call my mom again or have her yell at me about why I never got married. But we all loved her and her spirit to survive and prevail. I’ll miss you always mommy.”

Jackie Stallone’s cause of death

Jackie died in her sleep, in her home in Los Angeles. According to The Sun, she passed away from unknown causes. Well-known tabloid TMZ wrote that “the exact circumstances surrounding her death are still unclear”.