Heroes come in all sizes, and this young boy who saved his sister from a ferocious dog attack proves just that. His story is a testament to the fact that you don’t have to be big and strong to be a superhero, you just need to be brave. This is certainly a story worth remembering and retelling.

Bridger from Cheyenne, Wyoming knew just what to do when an angry dog approached him and his sister. He intentionally threw himself in front of his younger sister, ensuring that he was the subject of the attack and not her.

Bridger was bitten several times on his face and head before he was able to grab his sister’s hand and pull her away to safety. He was rushed to intensive care, where he had to receive 90 stitches. When asked why he put himself in between his sister and the dog like that, he said it was the only thing he knew he had to do.

“If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”

He wasn’t doing it to be praised, he was doing it out of complete bottom-of -his-heart-love for his sister.

According to his aunt, who has been posting about the incident on her Instagram page, Bridger’s recovery is going very well. Though he still isn’t able to smile very big, his warm and energetic personality has not been dampened.

Bridger’s story very quickly went viral, with an outpouring of people wanting to help and donate. Instead of creating a GoFundMe page, Bridger’s aunt instead has encouraged people to donate to:

Bridger himself has loved reading everyone’s comments and posts, as well as watching the videos of encouragement people have been sending to him. In one of her posts, Bridger’s aunt asked for people to send him pictures of cool rocks they find, as Bridger is currently very interested in rocks and geology. She has even provided an address where people can mail rocks and photos to him:

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She has also reached out to the cast of the Avengers franchise to send some superhero love to the newest member of their ranks.

The Dog’s Owners
The dog’s owners are naturally devastated at the destruction and pain their dog caused a little boy and his sister. Bridger’s aunt mentions in one of her posts that the family has been incredibly kind to the Walker family and that the incident has actually brought the two families closer together.