The Hollywood star Chris Pratt of Guardians Of The Galaxy and Jurassic
World fame spoke out on Monday to honor the men and women who have
served in the United States military.

Pratt, 41, took to Instagram to pen the lengthy and emotional tribute to
American veterans.
“America’s exceptional armed forces have altered the course of the world
for the better,” Pratt wrote alongside some military photos. “From the
Union Army defeating slave owning confederates, to the Greatest
Generation and her Allies vanquishing the Nazis or our special operators
hunting down the perpetrators of 9/11. We count the names of each fallen
solider lest they be countless. They are the good guys. They run to the
sound of gunfire. They know pain and suffering we never will.
“They have given us the most free and decent society planet earth has ever
seen,” he added. “We run the risk of losing that decency when we fail to
instill gratitude in the minds of our youth or the perspective of what it
actually means to be free- should they never learn of the selfless sacrifice
of our armed service members in the face of oppressive evil. So join me in
showing support for our fallen. Take a quiet moment to really consider the
And if you use the comments section on posts like this to bitch and moan
about America please understand there are countries in the world where
criticizing your government will get you killed or imprisoned.”
“Criticism is a right and necessity in amending the flawed systems of man,”
Pratt concluded. “So by all means, let your voice be heard. But never forget
your right to free expression is paid for in blood. May God give their souls
rest, and may they live in our memories this weekend and always.”