Unlike many dogs, Akira isn’t afraid of the vet. The friendly golden is happy to wait her turn at her local animal hospital, especially if it means she gets to watch some of her favorite squirrel videos on her dad’s iPhone.

When VCA Panther Lake veterinary hospital manager Mel Cies recently caught Akira calmly watching her favorite show, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Never in my 7 years working in the vet industry as a hospital manager have I seen a dog so calm at the vet!” Cies told The Dodo. “It was so amazing!”

Cies quickly recorded the moment on video, which you can watch here:

One of Akira’s favorite activities is watching the squirrels around her backyard. Having noticed his pup’s affinity for squirrels, Akira’s dad, Darin Beam, figured squirrel videos might be an easy way to entertain her. These days, the videos occasionally serve as a reliable source of entertainment for the sweet dog.

When she’s not busy keeping an eye on the squirrels, Akira loves spending time with her parents, lounging with them in their backyard.

Akira’s family can’t believe how much their funny, easygoing dog has already changed their lives.

“Akira has really been a blessing!” Beam said. “My wife couldn’t imagine life without her now!”