Only clear-sighted people will ace this test.

Before the exam
If you’re seeing a new eye doctor or if you’re having your first eye exam, expect questions about your vision and general health history. Your answers help your eye doctor understand your risk of eye disease and vision problems. Questions might include:

Are you having eye problems now?
Have you had eye problems in the past?
Do you wear glasses or contacts? If so, are you satisfied with them?
What health problems have you had in recent years?
Were you born prematurely?
What medications do you take?
Do you have allergies to medications, food or other substances?
Have you had eye surgery?
Does anyone in your family have eye problems, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma or retinal detachments?
Do you or does anyone in your family have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or any other health problems that can affect the whole body?
During the exam
A clinical assistant or technician might do part of the examination, such as taking your medical history and giving the initial eye test. An eye exam usually involves these steps:

Measurement of your visual acuity to see if you need glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision.
Measurement of your eye pressure. You’ll be given a numbing drop in your eyes. To make it easier for your doctor to examine the inside of your eye, he or she will likely give you eyedrops to dilate your eyes.
Evaluation of the health of your eyes. After the dilating drops take effect, your eye doctor might use several lights or imaging to evaluate the front of the eye and the inside of each eye.
Your doctor might use several tests to check your vision and the appearance and function of all parts of your eyes.