My husband is a government employee, his work starts at 9 o’clock. I wake up with him at 7 o’clock, make breakfast, then make coffee, iron clothes, send him to work, go to sleep again. Otherwise, if I stay awake, I’ll be sleepy all day long, I won’t be able to do anything. It was the same story yesterday, but as soon as I went to my room to sleep, I heard that someone was breaking the door of my house.

When I opened the door there was an unknown girl, a young, beautiful, tall girl. Then I was telling her ”who you are, why you have come”, she said that she was my husband’s lover, I have come to tell you everything.
I said ”you want money from me”. She said that she would show me the evidence. She also showed me, there were pictures of her and my husband in the phone.

Thay had taken a picture hugging each other, how could it be? I asked her since when they had been dating and full of questions that I was interested in. And the girl patiently told everything, as I understood that my husband had given up on her. This girl asked for money, he didn’t give her, so she wanted to take revenge and came and told me everything. I don’t know how to act either, I know that this girl has already left, but my husband was wrong towards me.