Curiosity is something that all of us have to some degree or another. There are times, however, when we may not even cross a line, regardless of how curious we may be.

Perhaps that is how one person felt when they had an opportunity to do something that is extremely rare. In fact, under most conditions it would be illegal and it certainly is taboo.

The man went on Reddit to share the information, and it shocked a lot of people on the forum. It seems as if he was in a motorcycle accident and had to have his foot amputated, which is what got things started.

He had always had a joke with his friends about eating human meat, and now they actually had an opportunity to do it.

“My friends and I always had this joke, ‘If you could try human flesh in an ethical and healthy way, would you? We always said of course. Well, the opportunity came up and I called them on it.”

He invited some of his friends over to have tacos, and many of them took him up on the opportunity. He did say that he had one person who backed out, and he was completely fine with it.

He said: “I think there was a lot of ‘wait really’. Kinda hoping that I’m joking, But it was all happy people who showed up that day, Lots of dark jokes.”

One of the big questions was in regards to the taste. He said, he tasted like Buffalo but chewier. Super beefy and little fat. As the questions continued to come in, he offered more and more details.

He gave an interview and said that he wanted to have it taxidermy or freeze-dried it first but they didn’t turn out to be an option he could consider.

He then went on to describe the cooking process, saying: “[The chef] marinated it overnight and sauteed it with onions, peppers, salt, pepper, and lime juice. Then he served it on corn tortillas with a tomatillo sauce.”

They called the dish ‘human shin fajitas.’