Mark Wahlberg was not born with a silver spoon and lived a life of crime in his early years. However, he grew up recognizing the importance of family. The actor never stopped loving his mother and chatted with her until she died.

It has been over two decades, and the Wahlberg family still holds the position as one of the successful dynasties in Hollywood.

Alma and Donald Wahlberg did not have much money, but they had a large family, including their nine children, whom they raised in Dorchester, Boston.

Many years later, her sons emerged as a force to reckon with in the entertainment industry, bringing glory to their family name and themselves.

Mark Wahlberg, named the highest paid actor in 2017, is an award-winning star with many Oscar nominations and other trophies, including a BAFTA and Boston Film Critics Awards.

Incredibly, his acting credits stretch across different genres. His notable works include “The Departed”, “Planet of the Apes”, and the nice action transformers remakes.

Apart from being able to play any role, he is a versatile entertainer. Mark was formerly a rapper famously called “Marky Mark.” His bandmates were known as the “Funky Bunch.”

Additionally, the TV icon has some producing chops. He worked as the executive producer on the “Boardwalk Empire” crime drama and the HBO series “Entourage.”

The movie star shares some of his reality via a TV show with his fans. Mark, a restaurateur who co-owns the Wahlburgers chain, has appeared in the TV series about the business.

Interestingly, Alma’s other son, Donnie, is equally successful as the prominent actor. Donnie shuffles between working behind the scenes and in front of the camera.

While he is an actor known for “The Sixth Sens”, ” Zoo Keeper”, and “Ransom”, he is also a singer and songwriter. Similarly, his career includes record and film production.

Paul, another clan member, is an actor, professional chef, and reality TV star. He has worked in high-class restaurants and co-runs the family’s restaurant business with his other brothers, Mark and Donnie.

Arthur, Alma’s eldest son, also dabbled into acting and has earned roles in a few films. He is also a comedian, reality TV star, and entrepreneur.

Mark’s other brothers, Jim and Robert, also have flourishing careers. Robert is an actor, while the former sits on the board of the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation, which was founded to help youths in inner cities.

Alma’s Parenting/ Mark and Donnie’s Childhood
Mark grew up in a large family made up of step-siblings from different men. At a younger age, he believed he was the youngest of nine children between Alma, his mom, and Donald, his dad.

As he grew older, Mark realized that there was a better path. He pledged to go back to high school to motivate his kids. Thankfully, in 2020, he bagged a high school diploma.

However, he soon realized that he was the sixth child of his parents. Three of his other siblings were born out of wedlock long before Alma married his dad.

Mark was convinced that his family was larger than he was made to believe, and he did not meet his siblings all at once. He said:

“There are a couple of kids floating around that I just met at Christmas. I was like, ‘Jesus, how many kids do you have?’ Now there are 12 in all, but there are probably a couple more; my dad was in the army and spent a lot of time overseas. There’s a lotta people in my family.”

Apart from growing up in a large home, the Wahlbergs were raised in poverty. Mark had to share a room with his five brothers. Eventually, he realized a way to get over everyone, including his family.

At an early age, Mark witnessed one of his brother’s detention in a youth facility. He sent home some Nike and Converse factory rejects during his time there.

Although some sizes were too big, the actor admitted that “we were actually happy my brother was locked up, because we would get free sneakers.”

Even though their parents did not have much, the couple worked hard to provide for the family. Sadly, when Mark was ten years old, his parents divorced.

The “The Departed” star stated that he loved his parents similarly. He was not loyal to only one camp — yet it did not stop him from falling apart and heading toward a destructive path.

Alma acknowledged that the divorce was painful for her, and she was preoccupied with her pain. This impacted her parenting; she found it challenging to control her kids from an eccentric lifestyle.

Soon, a 13-year-old Mark gave in to peer pressure. He tried drugs and was hooked on substances for some time. While recalling his childhood story, the actor shared: