Every child comes into the world with a struggle ahead of them. Just getting through life is difficult enough, but for some, the struggle takes on an entirely different meaning.
That is what happened to a baby who was born in 1999. Isaiah Acosta had some serious difficulties from the very start. He was born without a jaw, so he couldn’t speak or eat. He was also deprived of oxygen for 15 minutes at birth.
When Isaiah’s mother met with the doctors, they told her that her son would not likely survive. They went on to say that if he did survive, the quality of life would be very low.
That was over two decades ago, and he is still going strong. Not only is he healthy and leading a good life, he is doing well as a musician.
Isaiah Acosta was born in Phoenix, Arizona and he gives hope to many people around the world. Looking at his example you can see that it is always appropriate to fight for what you have.
His mother, Tarah, said that her son was born two weeks early on October 31, 1999. She knew that something was wrong from the very start, and then the conversation was held with the doctors.
Not only did he have the obvious problems that you see on the outside, everything in his body was a mirror image. His heart, stomach, and everything else were backward.
He went without oxygen for 15 minutes at birth but eventually was able to breathe through a tracheal tube. His mother was in a panic, but she also felt a bond with him that was very strong.
She said she didn’t see him as a baby with no jaw, he was her baby. They informed the doctors they should continue working and fighting for his life.

Isaiah is doing well in the music community and he has a dream of being a rapper. It will be challenging, but he has high hopes.
He also suffers from various problems due to not having a jaw. He gets sick frequently, can’t breathe through his mouth or nose, and has to be fed through a feeding tube in his stomach six times a day.
We hope that he has a long and happy life ahead of him and we wish him well in his endeavors.