We’ve been dating for a few months now, we’re not planning a wedding yet, and I don’t want to. He’s from a rich family, he has his own business, I haven’t established myself in my career yet, I’m not getting married until I get the job I want.

He waits patiently.

Our parents are also very close, they trust each other very much. That’s the reason they let me go to Vegas with him for a few days.

Well, we weren’t alone, we had our friends with us, we were there to celebrate my birthday, but I never thought he would do that. Turns out he was well prepared.

He congratulated me at 12 o’clock at night, gave me flowers. But the next day he gave me the biggest surprise of my life.

I came out and saw him standing on the street next to his car with a bow. I couldn’t believe it was my present.

We drove around the hotel grounds for a while, came out in the yard, and at that same moment he proposed to me.

Anyway, now I have a car, I’m only afraid that my parents will say that it’s a very expensive gift, you can’t accept it.