women's rights

It is well-known that women have been deprived for centuries. However, serious advances have been made in the protection of women’s rights in the 21st century. Fighting any type of dominance, in general, is an important task. People have suffered for centuries because of extremism. The development of the women’s rights process has made our world more beautiful. Today, there are a large number of women all over the world who are free and aware of their rights.

What should be unacceptable about women’s rights

Unfortunately, there are still countries where women’s rights are being violated. Each of us must understand that even the slightest manifestation of extremism must be neutralized at the early stages of its development so that the rights of thousands of people are not violated later. Here are 3 examples of what should be unacceptable in the life of a person in the 21st century:

  1. If a woman is solely responsible for cooking, doing laundry, and all the հousework, how can she succeed in her career? No one has the right to deprive a free person of the dream of realizing their own career.
  2. If a man commits violence against a woman and is not publicly shamed and punished by the law, who will guarantee that he will not do it again and again? Moreover, what right does a person have to use violence, and who gave him such permission? Protecting women’s rights should be at a high level.
  3. If you notice, most dictators believe that men should dominate women. Therefore, the process of protecting the rights and equality of women contributes to the fact that there will be fewer future dictators. If people see manifestations of equality and tolerance from childhood, they will not want to become extremists.

Love and appreciate the world of tolerance, equality, protection of the rights of minorities, and diversity. Extremism is not good.