In the popular American television sitcom “Two and a Half Men” we met Angus T. Jones as Jake Harper, a sweet little boy, but a little bit silly.

At the age of 10, Angus was offered the role of Jake Harper in Two and a Half Men. The series became known around the world and this helped Angus reach a salary of $ 300,000 per episode, becoming the highest paid child on TV.

However, success and money did not help Angus. He didn’t like being in the spotlight, so he decided not only to give up the show, but to leave Hollywood as well.

Austin is now 27 years old and his appearance has changed, as he has long hair and a beard. Angus T. Jones was born on October 3, 1993 in Texas. From the age of 4 he began to get used to life on TV because he played in various commercials. At the age of 5 he received his first role in the film “Simpatico” and at the age of 6 he had his first lead role in “See Spot Run”.

Although he played several roles, his life was about to change when he was offered the role of Jake Harper in “Two and a Half Men.”

The casting team liked Angus so much that they offered him the role immediately, even though he was the first child they interviewed. He played alongside Jon Cryer and Charlie Sheen. His character, Jake, lived in his uncle’s house with his father, immediately after his parents divorced.

Jake was a funny child with a curious personality and this made people love him. Statistics show that over 15 million people watched each episode, the series becoming the most popular in the United States. People think that Angus contributed a lot to the popularity of the series, but the character develops into a problem teenager. Jake becomes a character with drug and sex issues.