A single mother with three children is suddenly fired for failing to show up for work on time. Seeing that his mother is upset about losing her job, her 11-year-old son decides to meet her former boss on her behalf.

Aidan is sitting in the living room watching his favourite programme. Usually at this time of day he is in the park with his friends, but as it was very hot, he decided to stay at home.

His neighbour, Mrs Murphy, who was looking after him and his two siblings, Maya and Harry, while their mother, Helen, was away, gave him a delicious lemonade when he came home from school. He was sipping his delicious drink while watching television when the front door opened.

Helen came home earlier than usual, but she didn’t ask Aiden how his day at school was, and she didn’t even notice him on the sofa. She went straight to her room and locked the door.

Mrs Murphy was in the kitchen when Helen came home. “She’s home early today. Is she ill?” – The old lady inquired. She knocked on Helen’s door. “Since you’re back, Helen, I’ll be leaving now. If you need any help with anything, you can let me know. But are you all right?”

After a few moments Helen opened the door slightly and Mrs Murphy noticed that her eyes were red and puffy. “Sorry, I just want to be alone for a while. You can go home now. I appreciate your help.”

“Oh, no problem,” Mrs Murphy said with a reassuring smile. “I’ll always be in touch if you need help, okay? Take care.”

Helen nodded and lay back on the bed, hiding her face in her hands and struggling to hold back the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Aidan was focused on his show until he noticed that his mother looked upset. When Mrs Murphy left, he ran to her room.

“Mum?” he asked. “Are you all right? Please don’t cry.” He hugged her gently.

“I’m so sorry, Aidan,” she whispered, “I’m a terrible mum. A horrible, horrible mummy.”

“Not at all, Mummy!” objected Aiden. “You’re the best mummy ever! Why do you say that?”

“Because nice,” she said with a chuckle. “I’ve been fired. I don’t have a job anymore. I don’t know how I’m going to pay the bills. I have to make breakfast early in the morning, drop you off at the bus stop, take care of groceries and more, and that’s why I’m late for work. They didn’t hesitate to fire me for that!

During all this time I was exhausted and stressed, but I didn’t give up. Nobody cared why I was late! It would be some time before my mother found another job, sorry….”.

“Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be all right. You’ll be all right,” Aiden promised, hugging her.

The next day, after school, Aidan did not go home. Instead, he decided to go to his mother’s office to talk to her boss. He found the office address on a business card and, when he arrived, hurried in through the main door. But he was stopped at the entrance by two security guards.

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