The use of a cell phone is something that most of us find to be convenient. In fact, we are never far away from our phones as we never know when we will get a call or a message that needs answering.
Unfortunately, cell phones have also become a problem in the fact that they can be used to spy on us and to get things from us privately that we would not want to share with others. Sometimes, this may also happen in the background..
One part of a cell phone that many of us are quickly becoming accustomed to is the notification that we have a new message or phone call. Typically, it’s a green dot that shows up on an app when a new message has arrived. We may see it on applications, such as text messaging, Skype, or WhatsApp.
That green dot may also show up on a variety of other applications when something is new or updated. Most of us tend to ignore it for the most part, although we may use it if we get a new message.
There is also a problem, and that’s the fact that many types of spyware or viruses can get on our phones and they will try to steal as much private information as they can. This includes everything from bank information to recording your phone calls and messages.
That is why it is important to watch for a green dot on your phone, especially if it is from something unexpected. There is not a reason to be alarmed if the green dot is associated with a known program but if it is not, then it is time to investigate the matter.

A rogue green dot may be an indication that something is trying to steal your information in some way or another. Even if it is cleared, you may still have the problem running in the background.
The best thing to do is to run a spyware check regularly on your phone. If it has become infested with spyware or viruses, you may need to reset it to factory settings if all else fails.
We live in a time when privacy is becoming more and more difficult. Don’t take your chances, watch for the green dot and take action if it shows up.