A Chinese couple struggled to get pregnant, and as things didn’t turn out as planned, they turned to surrogacy. However, as surrogacy is still illegal in China, they sough an American woman to carry their child for them.

Eventually, they came across Jessica Allen, a mother of two.

Allen was paid $30,000 to be surrogate. She underwent a procedure, and after some waiting, they received great news, she fell pregnant with the couple’s baby.

Things seemed to be going great until an ultrasound that changed everything. During a doctor’s visit, Allen was told that she wasn’t carrying one baby, but two.

Hearing this, she was eager to share the news with the Chinese couple who agreed to pay Allen additional $5,000 for the second baby.

The pregnancy went well and at the 35th week, Allen gave birth to two healthy babies that she didn’t have a chance to meet.

With the money she received from the couple, she and her husband bough a house for them and their children.

But then, out of the blue, they were contacted by the Chinese couple. What they heard left them in complete shock.

Apparently, the babies, which doctors believed to be twins, weren’t related at all. One of them was clearly Chinese, while the other one wasn’t. After doing a DNA test, they learned that the second baby was in fact Allen’s.

This sounded impossible, but it turned out it was.
While carrying the couple’s baby, Allen was intimate with her husband and she got pregnant with his child. So she was carrying two babies at the same time, one of which was hers, and the other one wasn’t.

The couple said they wanted nothing to do with the baby which wasn’t theirs. What’s most, they told Allen that if she didn’t want it either, they would put it up for adoption. On top of that, they requested $22,000 in compensation because they were sending additional amount of money for the second baby.

Allen and her husband didn’t have the money and the couple wouldn’t give the little one to them unless they paid what they owed them.

After two months of struggling, the baby was finally home with his real parents. Allen needed to get a loan, but she now had her son with her.