‘Little House on the Prairie’ had many cherished characters. Nonetheless, Nellie was normally the mean one. This montage highlights 12 of Nellie’s lowlights on the show.

When Laura and Mary initially go to school, Nellie approaches them, shoots them a menacing glare, says, ‘Farm girls’ in loathing, and leaves. In another occurrence, Nellie looks as Laura and Mary can’t bear the cost of a pencil. She remarks, ‘I don’t think the cowgirls have a penny.’

When the young ladies are playing together, Laura begins singing, which intrudes on the game. Nellie pushes her over and again. At long last, Laura snaps and nearly gets in a battle with Nellie.

Nellie’s mean streak proceeds when she strolls close to Laura and two boys and says, ‘I heard the uplifting news. That your mom’s most memorable husband is out of prison now.’ The brother says, ‘Okay, what’s the joke?’

Nellie answers, ‘It’s anything but a joke. He is Harold, and he was hitched to your mom.’ Then, the children say they will let Pa know what Nellie said. According to nellie, ‘Go on, tell him! I’m certain he’ll be astonished.’

During another lowlight, Nellie rides up on her pony, and Laura goes to pet her. According to nellie, ‘Remain off my pony,’ and whips the pony on numerous occasions. According to laura, ‘Don’t do that!’ Nellie tells her it’s her pony, and she can do anything she desires with it. According to mary, ‘You will not go anyplace being spiteful to her.’

Nellie answers, ‘I know how to deal with a pony,’ and whips it once more. Then, at that point, the pony dashes off, and Nellie shouts while scarcely holding on. These are only a couple of instances of Nellie’s horrible conduct on ‘Little House on the Prairie.’