One day, a group of laborers heard a cat squeak and came up to see what was happening there. The men were intimately acquainted with the cat Paul and his companion Tyson.

During development work in the yard, cats frequently visited them. A sharp squeak came from among the hedges, and when they thoroughly examined, they saw something unforeseen and frightening. A colossal python folded over their pet Paul currently in four rings and expected to swallow it.

Pythons are known for their exceptional actual strength and they swallow their prey right away. One of the specialists squeezed the top of the snake to the ground with a stick, and the second started to loosen up it. The python needed to deliver the prey.

The awful kitty was in a real sense deadened with alarm and lay still for a few minutes. Then one of the men took the cat and started to shake it. Then, at that point, the cat some way or another got up on still cotton paws.

They gave him new water and treated him to his number one delicacy — fish, and they did the python of the building site with the goal that he wouldn’t hurt anyone else.

Luckily, this story had no casualties, just the python was left without food.