From Greece a very touching scene is coming that breaks the heart of every animal lover! Along the road near Nafpaktos, you can see a puppy who is still waiting for his owner.

Unfortunately, this day will never come, as his owner lost his life in a car accident back in 2017.

A faithful puppy watches the surroundings every day in exactly the same place where his owner lost his life 18 months ago. The locals from the village of Nafpaktos also placed a small shelter for the dog next to the cross and candles.

His owner, Harris, died at the age of 40 in a car accident on November 9, 2017, when he was hit by a cement mixer. Since that day the dog has been waiting in the same place, even though he lived with the owner in a 12 km distant place.

Look at the touching scene, where you will once again realize how loyal dogs are to us. Will the clip also move you to tears?