It was love at first sight when Hannah first met Donovan. Hannah was 16 and Donovan was hopping along on supports having just injured his ankle in football rehearsal when she enquired him for directions to find the fitness center her brother was in.

Hannah said that it was a calm evening in Arizona when she met her future partner. She was 16, having lately gotten her driver’s license. She drove to her brother’s basketball club to pick him up. Her brother’s practice was getting delayed and she navigated the unacquainted grounds looking for the gym to wait for her brother there.

She further added that she led to a random entry when a football player called Donovan marched out on supports, holding a sack of ice. She instantly saw his black, wavy hair and his pleasant smile as he tried to smile at her through his noticeable ache.

Donovan told her that he had just injured his ankle during football rehearsal. When she told him that she is looking for the gym, Donovan swiftly connected the dots. After swapping a few words and sharing a few frisky, bashful smiles, he showed her how to get to the gym. Hannah express gratitude and told that she is glad that she ran into him.

They met again few weeks later over coffee and spent most of the evening talking. The barista who was sweeping the floor, told them that they must really like each other if they been at the coffee shop this long. Their first official date happened a month later when a scavenger search takes Hannah to the city’s huge Christmas tree, where Donovan was waiting.

They came closer building their connection initially on friendship but they would encounter the decisive time when they completed high school and went to two different institutions.

Similar to most relations that gets over with the distance, but a non-refundable flight to Montana where Donovan was put them in each other’s way one more time and they were prompted of why they had fallen in love.

Hannah said that it seems like familiar when she disembarks the plane and saw Donovan waiting for her outside the entrance on supports, who was still recuperating from knee operation.

They chose to get wedded at 19 after realizing that there was nobody different, they sought to be with.

In spite of so many persons say that they are going to guilt at getting married at 19, Hannah was certain about her decision. Now they thank themselves for following their emotions and nobody else’s view.

Hannah said that getting wedded at 19 was not cool, but it’s their exceptional love tale.