The most widely recognized pets viewed as man’s closest companions and felines.

But certain individuals like to have surprising pets, as this decent couple from Russia. Their decision of pet is remarkable. It’s a cuddly, colossal earthy colored bear, named Stepan.

This wild, but subdued bear lives with his proprietors Yuriy and Svetlanna. The couple took on the bear, when he was around 3-4-month-old whelp.

A few trackers tracked down him isolated in the forest. He was in an awful state, so nobody trusted he could make due.

But, on account of Yuriy and Svetlanna, the little fledgling made due, but viewed as a permanent spot to live.

They allowed Stepan a second opportunity of life and, embracing him, began to deal with him. It was 23 a long time back.

Presently, Stepan is an immense, happy, honestly bear, who is agreeable and loves individuals.

However, certain individuals fear him, figuring he may be perilous and forceful, but his proprietors guarantee, he has never chomped anybody.

Stepan likes to invest energy with his people, who coordinate plays with balls, watering plants and different exercises, so their immense pet won’t feel alone.

They even watch TV all together sitting on the couch.

Stepan likes to drink tea with Svetlanna and Yuriy. He enjoys confections and cakes very much.

Each day this gigantic creature eats around 25 kg vegetables, natural products, eggs and fish.

He is a cheerful, euphoric, monster pet, who inside his spirit is as yet a child.