After a year of personal tragedy, Lisi Pickell was in a fragile state when she locked eyes with someone small staring at her from her yard. Settling into her new house in Florida and grieving the recent deaths of her father, stepfather and German shepherd, she wasn’t focussed on making new friends.

But, there, lying across the graves of a small pet cemetery was a sweet black cat. Pickell and her husband couldn’t believe it.

“That first morning changed our lives,” Pickell told The Dodo. “We were in shock that he was just sitting on the graves and just staring at us. We both felt that it was a sign from God that our German, my dad and step-dad were still with us.”

Pickell approached the cat and was struck by his immediate trust and kindness. She was so comforted having an animal nearby, though she had no idea where he came from.

“We thought he was either a stray or a kitty that got let out to play,” Pickell said.

Eventually, Pickell and her husband learned that the cat, named Frank, belonged to their new neighbors. Thrilled that Frank was bringing the couple so much joy, the neighbors were glad to share their pet. Now, both houses communicate daily about their favorite guy.

“We text each other every evening,” Pickell said.

As the weeks went by, Frank continued to comfort the couple in surprisingly perceptive ways. When Pickell lost one of her best friends, Frank knew she needed extra love.

“I walked in to feed him, but he just kept rubbing my legs,” Pickell said. “I put his food down, but he stood up on his hind legs, grabbed my leg with both front arms, and pressed the side of his face to me really hard, purring so loudly. He knew I was sad. It was an incredible moment and one I will never forget!”

Pickell and her husband are so moved by Frank’s presence in their lives, and so grateful that he’s brought them needed comfort. Frank, who clearly loves them, is surely happy, too.

“Once Frank came into our lives, we finally started laughing again,” Pickell said. “It was as if he just came prancing into our lives, spreading happiness everywhere like magic. He is like this little package of healing and love sent straight from Heaven.”