It’s a mistake that all of us have almost made at least once in our lives- driving away with something on the roof of your car. Melanie Cook was unfortunate to experience one of the worst case scenarios, having accidentally left her wallet on top of her car before heading home one Sunday afternoon.
The wallet had fallen off at an unknown location, and Melanie resigned herself to the thought that she was never going to see it again- but amazingly, one good Samaritan spotted it and went out of his way to make sure it was returned safely to her.
Melanie had neared her Mocksville home when she realized her mistake and headed back with her partner to retrace their steps.

“We started making that trek back to Clemmons and called the last place that I had seen it. They couldn’t find it either,” Melanie told WFMY News. “My husband got online and we started cancelling the cards that could cause the most damage. And I’m thinking my driver’s license, things from work, everything was in my wallet.”
Melanie and her partner searched high and low, but they were beginning to lose hope. Just then, their Ring doorbell notified her from her phone, alerting them to the fact that there was a man at the door. When they replied through the app, he asked if they could come to the door.
“My husband explains that we are talking to him through the doorbell and that we’re not at home,” Melanie said. “The man at the door holds the wallet and he said, ‘we found your wife’s wallet.’”
The man explained that he had spotted the wallet on an I-40 interstate on-ramp, and they stopped to pick it up. They found Melanie’s address and drove straight to her house to give it to her.
The thought of stealing the wallet and making off with Melanie’s money never crossed their minds.
The man seemed to have some difficulties talking, so his wife helped to relay the information to Melanie and her partner.

“We found the wallet laying in the road, so my husband went back and got it,” she recalled. “It looks like someone ran over it and broke the zip, but we didn’t take anything out of it.”
Melanie was touched by the couple’s act of kindness and thanked them for their honesty. She asked them to put her wallet into the front seat of her car, so that they wouldn’t have to wait for her to get home again.
Later that day, she and her husband took to social media with a video recording from their Ring doorbell to try and find out who they were- and it wasn’t long before her post vent viral.
“I thought that was just the epitome of honest – letting me know that they hadn’t touched anything,” Melanie said. “I think the people are spreading it (the post) because it’s just good news. It makes you feel good to know that there are good people doing good things.”

“My mind was turning with everything that could’ve happened, and how much damage someone could’ve done to you personally,” she added. “So it was just a blessing, and they were just so honest and so good to do that.”
We’re so thankful that there are caring people like this couple in the world. Watch the sweet video of the moment that they rang the doorbell below.