This video become real hit on YouTube. Claire, A little 3 years old girl, decited to surprise her dad by singing a great song for him. You must just listen to her beautiful voice. We are sure you can’t manage your emotions.

This is a performance that you will want to watch again and again. Great voice! When this girl is singing she gives you hormones of happiness and good mood. The baby who sings became calmer, happier and more active.

Little singers are protected from many disease, because singing improves blood circulation and it is reacted to her immunity.

Vocals help develop a sense of rhythm and ear. Also, vocals is good for memory, because during classes the child has to memorize the melody, text and many songs.

Vocal develops the ability to improvise; Vocal stimulates speech activity (in the process of singing, the child not only clearly pronounces the words, but sings them).

Vocal lessons normalize, develop and improve respiratory function (singing lessons are very effective for asthma). Vocal class noticeably eliminates speech disorders (for example, while singing, the baby stutters less). Vocal develops communication skills, the ability to work in a team, attentiveness, friendliness.