When you meet someone that you truly connect with it’s really something special.

And when life forces you apart from each other, seeing that person once more can be a very emotional moment.

There are countless videos on YouTube of veterans returning home, kids finding their parents after tragedy, and lovers reuniting.

You can’t help but dab at your eyes when you see the heartwarming moments on video!

Today’s video is no different… besides the lack of humans, of course.

Humans are the only animals with the ability to “miss” someone!

Most smart mammals have the ability to feel loss and sadness, and joy and connection.

A long-lost reunion is just that!

One recent video shows how one horse reacted to seeing the one he loved.

Phoenix is a wild horse that lived on a farm where he was trained.

One woman ended up seeing a picture of Phoenix jumping over a barricade and knew that she had to adopt him.

He was a spunky and lively horse that had the potential for a big future.

The woman decided to adopt him and went to pick him up in a trailer.

After looking through a catalog of photos of Phoenix, the woman happened to notice that the horse was rarely alone.

He had a friend that was constantly by his side.

When she went to the farm to look at Phoenix, however, she didn’t see the mare.

Taking him home, she brought in a bunch of other “horse dudes” to see if Phoenix would make some friends.

Since horses are so social, it was important that he was socialized correctly into the herd.

When they brought in all the other horses, however, Phoenix didn’t fit in too well.

He was always a bit standoffish and didn’t connect super well.

When the woman would walk up to Phoenix, she could tell he was sad.

Phoenix had lost his entire family when he was at the previous farm he was adopted from.

When he had jumped the fence in that famous picture, he didn’t even run off, he looked for ways to help his family.

Despite that, he still lost them and his new caretaker knew he was hurting from his loss.

Almost two years later, someone sent the woman a photo of a horse.

The horse looking strikingly similar to the mare that she had looked for when she was at Phoenix’s original farm.

She went back and pulled out the old photo and compared the two – it was the same horse!

She immediately drove out to find her and bring her back.

Naming her Ghost, the woman brought her back to her farm.

When she let her out of the gate, Ghost whinnied across the hills.

Only a few seconds later, Phoenix comes galloping over the horizon – he had heard his friend!

The two ran to each other and had their lover’s reunion.

The woman was genuinely moved by the horse’s reunion.

Once they were reunited, it was like they have never missed a beat.

Despite the two years spent apart, they picked up right where they left off, never to leave one another side again.

They are much happier and are always together.

Family is everything to a wild horse.

With these two reunited, they now get to grow old together and have the best time ever.

Who said that animals didn’t have the capacity to love?

They need to watch this video.

Watch their emotional reunion in the video below.
